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Monday 28 January 2013

Week 1- Exercising

Let the Games Begin!

This week we converted our garage to a gym so that we could workout in the comfort of our own home which in turn saves us a lot of time and money. The great thing is that you don't need much space. Last year I worked out every evening in my bedroom which was small! So no excuses!!

The three of us work out together each evening after work. It is so much easier to stay motivated when you have someone working out with you and you are less inclined to quit or stop half way through an exercise. We put together a 12-18 minute HIIT exercise for each day to target all the muscles in the body. The first week of exercise was a bit of a shock to the system and we were all feeling very stiff and sore. This soreness is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). DOMS is caused by tiny microscopic tears that occur in the muscle as a result of HIIT exercise. After the workout, the muscle begins to rebuild itself (provided you eat enough protein). This is the rebuilding process which creates new muscle that is bigger and stronger than before.

The first week we started off with bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight exercises are strength training exercises that do not require free weights; your own weight provides the resistance for the movement. Bodyweight exercise are the ideal choice for those who have not access to weights. After a while weights can be incorporated to increase the difficulty of bodyweight exercises. It is important to learn how to do these exercises properly and to get the right technique in order to target all your muscles.

What do you need?

Interval Timer- An interval timer is essential when training. Using an interval timer during your workout enables you to remain more focused, keep your recovery periods brief and your high intensity periods even. I recommend a GymBoss. If you don't want to get one download an interval timer app on your phone.

Lets Get Started

You need to be at least working out for 12 minutes five times a week. Treat your two days off as active rest days, so this means do a mild form of exercise. I recommend you set your interval timer to 50/10 x 12 (50 seconds working out, 10 seconds rest for 12 rounds). You need to exercise to the max for these 50 seconds-give it your all.


Below are bodyweight exercises that are essential to losing weight and getting fit. They target the whole body. Do the 12 through or pick 6 exercises and repeat twice or pick 4 exercises and repeat three times.

1) Burpees

Burpees are a total body exercise and are essential in all your workouts. They combine cardio and strength into one exercise. They will work your upper and lower body at the same time with a strong focus on the core. To make it harder-add a push up!

2) Squat

This movement works all of the muscles in the lower body including the hamstrings, quads and glutes. This also engages your core as you need a strong core to remain your balance. Do not let your knees out over your feet and keep your back straight.

3)Push Up

This is one of the best upper body exercises because it works everything from your chest to your back, your arms and even your abs. There are different varieties of push ups but start with this version. I have included the beginner version where you start on your knees. When I first started doing push ups I couldn't hold my body up and thought I would never be able to do a proper push up. I kept at it and now I can do difficult versions of the push up. If you find the knee versions too easy but the full push up do hard try do as many reps of the full push up as possible and build your strength up. Its the best exercise if you want those really toned shoulders and arms.

4)Switch Lunge

This is a challenging way to tone and strengthen your entire lower body. It also works your core.Start in a lunge position and jump up and into a lunge with the other leg and repeat.  An alternative for this if it is too difficult is to just step lunge forward with the right leg and back up straight then step forward with the left leg.


The plank exercise is a great exercise to define your core. Make it harder and start on your elbows go up to your hands then back to your elbows. Keep doing these movements for the full 50 seconds, you will feel it in the core. If this is too difficult stay in the plank position on your elbows. Keep your core tight and your body in a straight line.

6) Tricep Dips

This exercise targets the muscles on the back of your upper arms. This exercise is essential if you want those really defined arms. Make sure your hips are as close to the bench as possible and your feet straight underneath your knees. To make it harder move your legs further in front of you.

7) Jumping Jack

A jumping jack is a simple and effective cardio exercise and works your whole body.

8)Mountain Climbers

I think this is the best core exercise. This exercise combines a plank, it engages and works your core as your knee drives to your chest. This exercise raises your heart rate, which is the perfect way to flatten your abs and burn calories. Ensure that your technique is correct and your body is in correct alignment. Make it harder and throw in some wide mountain climbers-bring your feet to outside of your elbow.

9) Side Plank

This is a great exercise for your obliques. To make it more difficult balance on your hand rather than your elbow.

10) Frog Jumps

This is a great cardio exercise  and works the lower body. Start in a squat and swing your arms back and push off of your heels and jump forward.


This really engages the core and your abs will be on fire.

12) High Knees

This is a great cardio exercise and it also works your abs. So make sure your raise your legs really high to engage your core.

* Don't stop for the 50 seconds if you find an exercise difficult switch to an easier exercise, just once you keep your heart rate up for 50 seconds. Your heart rate needs to be at a high level to gain the benefits.