I've been following Mary's blog for a while . Thanks Mary for making this information free for all of us. Personally, I started my own journey to fitness about 5 years ago. I joined the wonderful world of health in 2009 when I opened up Dublin Vitality Center (www.dublinvitalitycenter.com).
Subsequently, I have trained as a nutritionist, fitness trainer, nurse and detox practitioner. Looking at Mary's pictures its easy to see why she has become the “Go To” girl on the web for abdominal weight loss. She really looks amazing.
Here are my 5 top tips for a leaner better body.
- Clean Eating – Marys blog is full of great information about this. To put it simply “If it comes in a packet, don’t stack it. It if grows for the ground or runs on legs “Go ahead.”
- Exercise - Strength and weight training is definitely not just for boys. Women benefit from stronger bones and less changes of osteoporosis in later years. And more muscles means you can become a fat burning machine.
- Detox – There is a reason why celebrity's and models rave about the benefits of juicing and detoxification. It works. And for those of you who want to take it a step further consider colonics and enemas. There are not just for rock royalty anyone.
- Pretty Up – When you are working out, look great. Put some new gear on. Put some tan on and look at yourself in the mirror. It helps you focus.
- Hydration – Water, water and more more water. Heres a recipe for a home made isotonic drink which you can prepare for events and going to the gym. Easy peasy and low cost.
- Ingredients- Water (tap or bottled), Salt, Sugar + 1 Water Bottle
§ Step 1: Fill your water bottle with water.
§ Step 2: Add your low sugar/no sugar cordial
§ Step 3: Add a pinch of salt
§ Step 4: Sugar x 2 tables spoons
§ Step 5: Shake water bottle to allow a complete mix.
Thanks for reading and thanks again to Mary for her excellent tips and motivational photos.
For more health and detox tips go to www.dublinvitalitycenter.com or www.younger.ie . We warmly invite guest bloggers to write about health, beauty, detox, fitness and more. Take a look at dublinvitalitycenter.blogspot.ie