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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Healthy Irish Brown Bread

A great way to stay motivated to eat healthy is to set up a whats app groups with your friends to encourage and motivate each other. My friends and I are always sending each other pictures of our meals, its great for recipe ideas or if you have no idea what to cook for dinner. But I think its greatest for motivation- if you are about to tuck into a bag of crisps and your friend sends you a picture of a healthy meal you get the "guilts" and will choose to make a healthier option. Here are some pictures of the meals so far. I will be sharing more of their recipes with you.

My friend Michelle sent me this healthy brown bread recipe and pictures which I thought you might love to try. It is so easy to make and tastes really good!


1 large tub of natural yoghurt-500ml
2 Tubs of fine Porridge oats
1 Tablespoon of Bread soda
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp of wheat bran (optional)


1. Put Bread Soda, salt and yoghurt in bowl and stir well.

2. Fill the empty yoghurt pot up with Oats and add two tubs to the mixture and stir.

2. Grease loaf tin and put in mixture. Sprinkle wheat bran (Optional)

3. Cook at 180 degrees Celsius for 50 minutes. Remove from tin and put on rack and cook for 10 minutes on the rack.