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Friday, 28 December 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Every year people make New Year’s Resolutions to get fit and tone up for the summer. They try various diets and exercise regimes but more than likely never reach their goals.

So why don’t you follow me and I will show you a simple, effective and a FREE way of losing weight and toning up from the comfort of your own home!

As I said before I am into my fitness and health in a big way but this wasn’t always the case. I must admit I have never struggled with weight issues but I was never as toned as I would have liked and foolishly believed that was my body type and that people who were really toned with six packs and muscle definition were “freaks of nature” or were just born that way.

Like most people I believed that in order to lose weight one had to run for miles and miles on a treadmill to get results. Not only is this boring and time consuming-IT DOESN’T WORK. Yes you might lose a few pounds at the beginning but soon you will plateau and finally lose
motivation and put the weight you lost back on again.

Over a year and half ago I was introduced to HIIT exercises (High Intensity Interval Training) and fully committed myself to getting fit. The principle behind HIIT exercises is defined as working at about 75 to 85% or more of your maximum heart rate for brief period/intervals. The most recent research shows that relatively short bursts of intense exercise—even if done only a total of a few minutes each week—can deliver many of the health and fitness benefits you get from doing hours of conventional exercise.

The results have been fantastic and have allowed me to get the abs and muscle tone I never thought possible.

This exercise regime can be done from the comfort of your home, it doesn’t require much space and no expensive equipment. The workouts can take from 12 minutes to 30 minutes max!! So no excuses!

Over the Christmas with all the nice food and too much drink my fitness regime has pretty much gone out the window. So I hope you can follow my progress in the New Year as I try to get fit for the summer.

I will be putting up routines you can try at home which target the whole body and bonuses that focus on those trouble areas.

Remember getting fit and toned is 10% workout and 90% diet so I will be sharing with you menus and tips on how to eat clean.

Mary xxx