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Wednesday 24 July 2013

New Challenge-Lift like a Man Look like a Goddess

I have been struggling to get back to proper training since I came back from holidays, I need some motivation to get me going again. The best way to motivate yourself is to make a plan and stick to it so that is exactly what I am going to do.

I have changed up my exercise regime a lot over the last year as my results plateaued and I needed something new to challenge my body. Did you know that your body adjusts to your workout regime every 14 days, so it is important to constantly change it up.

The type of fitness training I do revolves around weight training. Women need to dismiss the myth that women get bulky from weights. This is so untrue. Like I have explained many times before women do not have enough testosterone in their body to bulk up that easy. People tend to think lifting weights builds muscle and does not burn fat.

Here is a picture my friend Michelle sent me of my head superimposed on a body building body. Believe me I would need to be in the gym for hours and hours a day to even come close to achieving this look.

Weight training has not made me bulky and muscly but lean and toned.

Note that fat takes no energy to stay on your body, that is why you have to maintain a high level of fitness to get rid of the fat. Muscle on the other hand is an "active tissue" and it requires energy to maintain itself. To just stay on your body, each pound of muscle on your body uses between 30-60 calories a day!

Weight training has given me my greatest results and I am going to show you how to incorporate it into your exercise routine so that you can sculpt and define your body.

Along with the weight training we will also be including our "cardio" exercises like the routines in the six week bikini challenge. These exercises are great for getting your heart rate up and keeping it in the fat loss zone. It also uses big compound exercises that build muscle all over and keep you fit. So this routine is going to be a mix of both. 

For beginners to weight training we are going to start this programme with higher reps and lighter weights. The reason behind this is to start getting the joints and muscles accustomed to weight training exercise whilst preventing injuries.

After this  "prep stage" we will then start our "Lift Like a Man-Look like a Goddess" workout where we will increase our sets, weights and constantly change the way we exercise so we don't plateau.

This "Lift Like a Man-Look Like a Goddess" workout is more than a challenge, it is a lifestyle plan.

So next Monday, grab your weights and be ready! I would recommend starting off with a lighter weight- approx. 2 x 4kg or 2 x 5kg to begin with. Then you will need some heavier dumbbells as you progress.

See you on Monday!