Tone Your Butt
Everyday we are bombarded with images of celebs with pert, toned bums. We live in a culture that has become increasingly obsessed with them. Parts of famous bodies are a part of how we "know" people i.e. Kim Kardashian, J.Lo, Kylie Minogue to name a few. This might be part of the reason why we all want a nice round pert bum so we too can look good in our bikinis and fill out our skinny jeans.
Are you happy with your bum? Most of us aren't. They can be too small, too flat, too flabby, too saggy etc. You may even have a toned bum but it has a flat shape. With a mix of clean eating and the right exercises you can build up muscle and transform a flabby or flat behind into a pert peach bum.
Below I have compiled some butt busting exercises to incorporate into your bodyweight regime. These exercises will get you that toned bum you always wanted.
Lie on your back with your arms at your sides with your
knees bent and feet on the floor. Lift your hips upwards, hold for 1 count and
then lower back down. Repeat lifts for 25 reps. To make this exercise more
difficult, extend one leg at the top of the lift and hold for 5 seconds.
Keeping your hips up place your foot back on the floor and lower your hips.
Knee Together:
Repeat the above but with your knees together and lift your
bum. 25 reps
Knees In and Out
Repeat the above but lift your bum with your knees together then lower and then lift again with knees apart-this is one rep. Repeat 25 times.
Toe Taps
Raise your leg high over the bar immediately followed by your other leg, tap toe to floor and repeat back over the other side.
Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for your hips, butt and thighs.
If you want that firm, round bum you need to be doing your squats.
Start with feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down as if you
were going to sit on a chair and keeping weight over your heels and ensuring
knees are not going out over your feet. Squeeze your glutes and return to start
position. 40 reps
Goblet Squat
Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width and your
toes pointing outward. Keep weight tight against your chest. Go as low into
the squat as you can without letting your knees move past your toes.
Lower into a squat and pulse in the squat position (small movements up and down). Pulse squats are simply a shorter range of motion than a normal squat. To make it more difficult pulse for 10 reps and them do a side kick, pulse again for 10 reps and side kick with the other leg.
Donkey Kicks
Start on your knees, pull your knee into your chest and then stretch it out straight and back into your chest. Engage your core when you are doing this. 25 reps both sides.
Tray Holder
5) Skipping 100 reps
6) Pulse Squat 40 reps
Repeat twice or three times
1) Squeezes x25
2) Squeeze Knees together x 25
3) Squeezes Knees in and out x 25
4) Donkey Kick x 25 each side
5) Tray Holder x 25 each side