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Friday, 21 February 2014

Bikini Challenge: Week 1 Day 4

Today's workout engages all the muscles of the body with some exercises focusing on Shoulder and Abs.

50 seconds on/ 10 seconds rest (50/10) for 2 rounds- 12 minutes in total.

1. 10 Mountain Climber + 10 Cross Body Mountain Climbers

2. 1/2 Burpee + Shoulder Press

3. Squat

4. Elevated Abs Tucks

5. 1/2 Burpee +Upright Row

6. Shoulder Press Ups

Muscles Worked:Shoulders, Abs, Oblique Abs, Biceps, Legs, Bum

Equipment: Dumbbells or Water bottles filled with rice/ sand. If you don't have either leave out the upright row and shoulder press.

Beginners: 2/ 3 rounds  of 30/10