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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

3 Foods That Will Eat Fat From Your ABS

Are you eating these foods?


I read an interesting article written by Dr Jonny Bowden an expert in nutrition for fat loss. Dr Bowden talks about how keeping fat off your waist line gets harder and harder as our metabolism slows down, our hormone levels decline and our muscle turns into fat.

Dr Bowden talks about how we can reverse this process by eating certain foods. These foods upgrade your metabolism, fires up your fat burning hormones, boosts energy and flattens your stomach. Dr Bowden even claims that these foods can slow down the aging process!!!

1.       Eggs

Eggs shut down the body’s number 1 fat storing hormone-insulin. You cannot lose weight until you silence the fat storing message from insulin. Remember the body can’t burn fat until it stops creating fat. Insulin is the reason why it’s impossible to burn fat in all those areas we don’t want it. Insulin orders your liver to transfer carbs into sticky cholesterol which clog your arteries and cause your to put on weight. When you eat food rich in protein, vitamins and minerals (like eggs) your blood sugar stays in check and insulin’s powerful fat storing message is silenced.  

Eggs are the best source of protein on the planet. They contain all nine essential amino acids which your body needs to build muscle tissue. And the bigger your muscle, the greater your fat burning potential, because it takes more calories to maintain muscle than it does fat.

But aren’t eggs full of fat and cholesterol?

The healthy fats and calories from the yolk are so nutrient dense that they actually HELP you to burn off body fat.

I eat on average about 25 eggs a week. I have eggs with my breakfast every morning and sometimes have a crustless quiche as a snack or lunch. People often say how do you not get sick of eggs but I just mix it up and add different ingredients- you can have omelettes, scrambled egg, poached eggs, protein pancakes etc.

Click on Food Diary label on the right hand side of my blog page to gain access to clean eating ideas and recipes.

2.       Avocado

Avocado contains the cleanest fat burning fuel there is-natural fat. Natural fat actually helps you burn body fat by re -introducing your metabolism to its own natural ability to burn fat for fuel. Instead of storing fat around the belly area, natural fat cranks up your metabolism forcing fat to transform into energy.
With natural fat you don’t have to eat as much as it fills you up and you feel fuller for longer.

Have some avocado with your eggs in the morning for a powerful fat burning breakfast.

3.       Chocolate Cupcake

Foods such as chocolate can accelerate fat burning. When dieting for fat loss you intake of carbs and calories is lower than normal. Over time your body notices that you are burning more calories than you are taking in. Your body will then try to balance the calories in versus out and your metabolism will drop. This is the stage where you experience a plateau. Cheat days like eating some chocolate cake deliver a quick spike to insulin. Your body will be tricked into thinking it is getting enough calories and the body will then ignite its fat burning metabolism.

The reason most people quit their new diet regime is that they don’t want to give up their favourite foods. By incorporating insulin spikes after periods of clean eating this helps people to stick with their healthy lifestyle for longer.