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Sunday 14 April 2013

Back and Triceps

I have always focused on core and upper body and neglected two very important areas. The reason being it is easy to forget what you can't see.  As I said in my previous post, it is a good idea to workout these muscles together as they compliment each other rather than support each other so they both can be trained at maximum capacity.


Women who strength train regularly often have underdeveloped triceps hiding behind their well-defined biceps. The reason for this is that triceps are a hidden muscle unlike biceps and abs for example where you actually see them. Triceps are also tiny muscles and require specific exercises and movements to develop them. They are so much harder to work than any other muscle.Triceps are so important as it is a supporting muscle and helps strengthen others. 

Why is toning triceps so difficult for women?

Due to the fact women have more estrogen than testosterone excess fat is primarily stored in the hips, thighs, as well as the triceps (bingo wings).

This is why toning triceps is so difficult. Women store larger amounts of fat in the tricep area than men. This is also one of the last places where a woman notices fat loss. Due to hormones, the largest amount of body fat is stored in this problem area and there is nothing you can do to stop this.

This is an area I would really like to improve. I always tend to focus on my bicep as its a show muscle but I have learned that it is crucial to build your triceps in order to achieve well defined arms. I find tricep exercises the most difficult, especially the tricep dip but its important to never give up at the exercises you find difficult. To improve even by one rep is good progress. I am starting to see a tiny bit of progress but I am going to keep trying really hard for next 6 weeks and post my progress.

Diamond Push Up

Tricep Dips

Alternative Tricep Dip

Bent over Tricep Dip

Bench Tricep:


As with triceps, regardless of your fitness level, it is easy to forget about what your can't see- your back.A back is one of the sexiest parts of your body but we don't give our backs enough attention. Some people have naturally toned backs, for others, it isn't that simple. These exercises should help you develop a beautiful toned back.

Negative Pull Ups:


Bent Over Row:

Pull Ups:

One Legged Deadlift:

Example of a Workout:

10-15 reps

3 rounds

Negative Pull Up
Left Dead Lift

3 rounds

Right Dead Lift
Supermans x 10

3 rounds

Bent Over Row
Pull Up x 10 reps

3 rounds

Tricep Dip
Diamond Push Ups x 10

3 rounds

Bench Tricep Dip x 10
Alternative Triceps x 20